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WW2 and the Hastings

World War II and the Hastings

Port Macquarie had a population in 1936 of around 1,300 people. The names of World War Two service personnel inscribed on the Port Macquarie war Memorial number nearly 500. Many of the names are of people who enlisted from surrounding areas, or who were connected in some way to Port Macquarie but may not have been born here or resident at the time.

This document gives service and some personal details of the men and women who served this country during World War Two and who’s names were put forward for inscription on the plinths surrounding the original War Memorial column.

Cover and preface  | A-D  |  E-J  |  K-M  |  N-R  |  S-W  |  Appendices

This website is not intended, nor does it claim, to be a definitive biographical source. The information has been researched using publicly available information sources and, in some cases, information contributed by relatives. The scope of the website is strictly limited to the names on the original Port Macquarie War Memorial. Hastings residents who may be listed on other regional memorials, or whose names have never been recorded in a public space, have not been included.

Similarly, the names added in the year 2000 to plaques beside the original memorial have not been included.

Anyone with further information or corrections is welcome to contact the Port Macquarie library.II

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