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Laurieton & Wauchope Libraries will be closed from 12noon on Wed 27th Nov & re-open Thurs 28th Nov at 9.30am

Kids & Teens

Our kids programs aim to develop your child’s love of language and reading, as well as foster their imagination and sense of adventure. There is a fantastic range of activities and events for kids of all ages.

We also have a number of resources for parents and carers to help navigate education and those teenage years.

You will find a wide range of resources for pre-schoolers and primary school students including picture books, board books, stories on CD, DVDs, magazines, multimedia packs, music CDs and simple fact books.


It's important that parents continue to demonstrate the value and enjoyment of reading by encouraging regular reading times, and allowing children to see them reading too.


We hold a number of HSC resources, texts and study guides to help you navigate your way through school life.


Download free eBooks from our range of collections to your tablet, eReader, smartphone or PC. As well as new release and best-selling fiction, you can access non-fiction eBooks on many subjects.


Spark Discovery Boxes are science kits, designed for ages 3-12 years, that are available for loan from Port Macquarie Hastings Council libraries. Kits include mini beasts, plant science, magnets, music, animals and much much more.


The 1000 Books Before School program is an early literacy program designed to build important literacy skills prior to starting school. The program aims to encourage parents and carers to read with their young children to help prepare them for reading at school.


Check out our monthly Kids' Reading Guide, promoting books around a different theme every month, along with some great videos and resources.


Poets of all ages are invited to submit a poem about summer. All entries will be compiled into a book for loan from the libraries in 2024.



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