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Special Collections

The library has compiled a number of collections made up of specialised research and reading material.

Parenting Collection

This collection of books, magazines and DVDs provides practical advice and support to parents whether their children are in nappies or doing their HSC.

Neurodiversity Collection

The local Hastings Autism Aspergers Resource Group kindly donated their collection of resources (books, DVDs, games, picture books etc) to Port Macquarie-Hastings Library, and since then, we have endeavoured to consistently purchase relevant and useful resources for the community. This collection houses books about Autism, ADHD, OCD, Dyslexia, and a variety of cognitive processing disorders.

The aim is to make resources available to as many people as possible via the library service. For more information on each title, please refer to the library catalogue. We welcome purchase requests for this collection to keep the collection as relevant as possible.


Publishers are promoting books that they consider to be Dyslexia Friendly. To see what we have in the collection, use the search term Dyslexia Friendly when searching our Catalogue.

For more information on Dyslexia, download this booklet taken from Victoria’s Department of Education.

Another great resource is the South Australian SPELD SA (Special Learning Difficulties Association of South Australia) which has a very comprehensive FAQ on dyslexia.


Port Macquarie Library holds a small collection of books and materials for people with dementia and their carers.

Community Languages

The State Library has collections in over 40 community languages. Each language collection includes:

  • adult fiction, across a range of genres including romance, mystery and thrillers, adventure stories and popular fiction
  • adult non-fiction such as cookery, health information, history, religion, sports and much more
  • children’s resources such as picture books, nursery rhymes, bilingual books and sound recordings
  • large print and audiobooks in some languages are also available

These collections are available for loan to everyone in NSW, contact your nearest library. If don’t see your language on the shelf you’re welcome to make a request by either filling out our online form or contacting your nearest branch.

English as a second language

Port Macquarie Library holds a collection of books and materials on Learning English as a Second Language. It includes basic readers and vocabulary builders. These books are written specifically for non-English speakers.


Port Macquarie Library holds the main Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander collection with smaller collections at each of the branches. Please visit Birpai Studies for more information on our indigenous history.

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