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All library branches will be closed for the King's Birthday Public Holiday on Monday 10 June.


Welcome to our sustainability page! We are committed to creating an environmentally friendly and socially responsible community hub.

Explore our initiatives, from our Seed Library and recycling programs to green events and educational resources, as we strive towards a sustainable planet for future generations.

Seed Library

‘The Seed Library’ aims to encourage people to grow healthy food, reduce costs and become more active in the garden. We also have a load of gardening and seed saving books in our collection, so come in, meet some other gardeners, and share your knowledge and love of gardening! Find more information here.

Community Recycling Station

Community Recycling Stations (CRS) are small cabinets, to allow for the convenient and free drop-off of small quantities of common household problem waste which should not be placed in kerbside bins.

The Port Macquarie Library has installed a CRS station for  FREE and EASY disposal of small household waste items, such as x-rayssmall household batteriesmobile phones and smoke detectors. You will find the CRS in the foyer entrance.

Most of the items accepted at Community Recycling Stations can be reused or recycled. To find out what happens to the problem waste you drop off, visit to find out more.

This service is being provided for small, domestic amounts of household waste only. For larger quantities and other types of  household problem waste, visit your nearest Community Recycling Centre.

With funding and support from the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Midwaste together with other local councils (including Port Macquarie Hastings), have developed a series of videos to help demonstrate and explain what can be dropped off for free at our local Community Recycling Centre and waste transfer facilities – ConnectEdPMH

Save Power Kits

The Save Power Kits provided borrowers with a resource to help households measure how they use power at home and possibly reduce their electricity costs and help reduce carbon pollution. Each kit contains a power-meter lite, infrared thermometer, compass, stopwatch and save power thermometer. Reserve a kit today.


Cut food waste to save money & the environment. Watch how with our foodsmart videos in collaboration with MidWaste.


MidWaste Regional Waste Forum (MidWaste) comprises six Councils located on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales working collectively to strategically manage waste on a regional scale. For more information on their programs click here


Find more ways PMHC is working with our community around sustainability at the ConnectEd website – a digital hub to educate, inspire and empower our Port Macquarie-Hastings community, as we move together towards our community vision in becoming the most most liveable, sustainable and innovative place in Australia.


PMHC successfully gained funding to install Port Macquarie’s first public Destination Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargers through the NSW Office of Energy and Climate Change, Drive Electric NSW EV Destination Charging Grants.

There are two charging stations and they:

  1. have been installed in the small off street Council carpark on Lord Street which is also walking distance to the public pool, community theatre, town beach, CBD, amenities, shops, eateries and other local businesses
  2. were required to be installed in a publicly accessible off street location within walking distance to our library, with two dedicated public parking spaces per EV charger (4 spaces in total) in accordance with the funding agreement
  3. are similar to high powered AC powerpoints designed for faster EV charging for the travelling public to use when they get to their destination.  Increasing charging infrastructure hopes to attract EV ownership and tourists into Port Macquarie    
  4. will be available to charge EV vehicles owned by the general public and council staff, as well as future council EV fleet vehicles.  A 2hr parking time limit applies to maintain availability for all users

Charging costs are paid for by EV users at a similar electricity rate as home charging (initially 0.30c/kWh), using the free Chargefox App.

Public EV Charging Stations Map.

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