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Authentic Relating

Tuesday November 19, 9:30 am – 11:00 am
Port Macquarie Library
32 Grant St
Port Macquarie, New South Wales 2444 Australia

Join Lucy at Port Macquarie Library on Tuesday November 19th at 9.30am for Authentic Relating.

Authentic Relating is  opportunity to experience deeper connections, with yourself and with others. What starts with a simple, guided meditation grows into a series of games where we observe and notice, welcome, reveal (share) and receive surprising insights about ourselves and each other.

  • Lucy Mitchell is mother of 3, a gypsy at heart, and an explorer and practitioner of evolving consciousness.  She is a trained anthropologist, teacher of meditation and breathwork, and facilitator of authentic relating experiences and ceremonies.  Lucy has studied extensively and brings a range of methods and practices for exploring and developing personal and group consciousness.  New to Port Macquarie, Lucy is offering introductory sessions to anyone who would like to experience contemplative meditation (CM) or authentic relating (AR). Future sessions will build on these, and other offerings may include introductions to breath, tantra, de-armouring and kindfulness.  Lets evolve together!

Authentic is being real, honest, revealed, and transparent, allowing others to see, hear, and know our inner world. Relating is recognizing that there is someone else on the other side of the relational field, having a unique experience as rich and complex as our own. The practices – sometimes called games – create opportunity and an invitation to weave the experience of another person with our own, to create a dynamic dance of both authentic human expression and reception.

Most people have been conditioned to prioritize their own experience over others, or others’ experience over their own – authentic relating harmonizes this imbalance.  It brings the focus to the here and now, and invites us to shed the social scripts we often lean on to navigate through social interactions.

We have found that authentic relating provides a space for people to feel a sense of belonging – in themselves and in the world. All  aspects that make us human are welcome in this practice. Where there are divides, bridges can be built, worlds can be explored, and treasures can be discovered. No prior experience is needed!


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There are 15 spots left for this event.
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opened reg: 1
waiting list:
2024-10-30 03:36:00
    [post_id] => 26358
    [form_id] => 1
    [title] => Authentic Relating
    [start_date] => 2024-11-18 22:30:00
    [end_date] => 2024-11-19 00:00:00
    [time_offset] => 0
    [venue_id] => 2911
    [venue_title] => Port Macquarie Library
    [venue_address] => 32 Grant St
    [venue_city] => Port Macquarie
    [venue_state] => New South Wales
    [venue_zip] => 2444
    [limit_registrations] => 1
    [max_registrations] => 20
    [max_waiting_list] => 10
    [num_waiting_list] => 0
    [mvt_enabled] => 
    [mvt_use_custom] => 
    [num_registered_mvt] => Array
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    [mvt_fields] => Array
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                    [id] => 3181
                    [type] => venue
                    [limit] => 
                    [max] => 55
                    [label] => South West Rocks Library
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                    [time_available] => always
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                    [cost_structure] => discount
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                    [id] => 3181
                    [type] => venue
                    [limit] => 
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                    [label] => South West Rocks Library
                    [description] => 
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                    [time_available] => always
                    [custom_start_type] => immediate
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                    [time_end] => 
                    [cost_structure] => discount
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                    [discount_type] => percent
                    [cost_amount] => 
                    [cost_type] => total


    [num_registered] => 5
    [registrations_left] => 15
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    [open_offset] => 3
    [open_other_timestamp] => 1730219760
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    [reminder_offset] => 172800
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    [who_can_register] => any
    [users_can_edit] => Array
            [0] => form_fields
            [1] => mvt
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    [cost] => 
    [enable_connected_reg] => 1
    [accepting_payments] => 
    [force_checkout] => 
    [check_in] => 
RTEC_Event Object
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            [event_meta:RTEC_Form:private] => Array
                    [post_id] => 26358
                    [form_id] => 1
                    [title] => Authentic Relating
                    [start_date] => 2024-11-18 22:30:00
                    [end_date] => 2024-11-19 00:00:00
                    [time_offset] => 0
                    [venue_id] => 2911
                    [venue_title] => Port Macquarie Library
                    [venue_address] => 32 Grant St
                    [venue_city] => Port Macquarie
                    [venue_state] => New South Wales
                    [venue_zip] => 2444
                    [limit_registrations] => 1
                    [max_registrations] => 20
                    [max_waiting_list] => 10
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                                    [type] => venue
                                    [limit] => 
                                    [max] => 55
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                                    [time_start] => 0
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                                    [type] => venue
                                    [limit] => 
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            [end_date] => 2024-11-19 00:00:00
            [time_offset] => 0
            [venue_id] => 2911
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            [venue_address] => 32 Grant St
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            [venue_state] => New South Wales
            [venue_zip] => 2444
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                            [description] => 
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                            [limit] => 
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            [registrants_data_include] => Array

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    [atts:RTEC_Event:private] => Array

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